Solar for Barrel-vaulted Roofs

Buildings with barrel-vaulted roofs require special attention to located attachment points for railed mounts for the solar array.  We think the results look beautiful!  First, we add blocking inside the building in between the rafters to catch our attachment bolts that may not otherwise hit a rafter. Next, we carefully map out the location on the roof of each roof penetration. Each standoff for the rails is bolted to the rafter structure inside.  Each standoff’s penetration is seated with a watertight “witch’s hat” roof boot.

Roof boots seal the penetrations for the attachment points that will hold the solar array.
On any roof, we take great care to align the solar panels seamlessly, no matter what the roof underneath may be doing.

Project specs:

  • System size: 41.60 kWdc
  • Mounting: SnapNRack rail/standoff with varying roof tilts and compass orientation of 160 degrees.
  • Year Installed: 2019
  • Electricity offset: Saving $6,450 per year.
  • State grant: $24,900
  • Federal & state tax credit incentives: $31,900
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